Over the past five years, tensions in the South China Sea have persisted at a rolling boil. Clashes at sea have involved both state and non-state actors, and standoffs and staredowns have ended with ...
South Korea has become the seventh nation to use Sea Launched Ballistic Missiles or SLBMs. The second version of the KSS-III submarines featured a number of firsts. They were non-nuclear, the first ...
The framework estimates potential economic losses in trade caused by port disruptions ... "We applied our framework to the South China Sea, focusing on a potential tsunami scenario triggered ...
Off and on since the 1970s, ships from the two nations have faced off in disputed parts of the South China Sea, sparking occasional ... level dialogue, brisker trade and new direct investments ...
A new trade war with the world's biggest economy ... Beijing over issues such as human rights, Taiwan and the South China Sea. "It's taking a leaf out of China's manual of coercion," Magnus ...