What you’re watching here is a Chinese flying tree frog vaulting onto a pole simulating a tree branch. Researchers filmed ...
"Adult snakes and lizards are just the tip of the iceberg," said Prof William Sutherland, of the University of Cambridge. "If ...
A Colombian tree-frog found in a bunch of roses at a Sheffield florist is a warning of the rising danger of invasive species ...
Dr Silviu Petrovan, a frog specialist, of the University of Cambridge, revealed he was asked to identify the live frog after ...
SNAKES, frogs and lizards have been caught entering mainland Europe and the UK on potted plants and cut flowers, according to ...
A 13-year-old girl found and helped capture an invasive Peron's tree frog after a tourist's photo posted online alerted ...
A Colombian tree-frog found in a bunch of roses at a Sheffield florist is a warning of the rising danger of invasive species found on imported plants, scientists have said. A growing number of ...
These "hitchhiking intruders" have included a tree frog that emerged from roses at a florist's shop in Sheffield and snakes discovered in ornamental olive trees shipped across mainland Europe.
European tree frogs are often accidentally imported with flowers coming into the Netherlands. The sheer volume of cut flowers and ornamental plants being traded at speed around the world makes it ...
Here’s how it works. A striking photo captures the moment a venomous green pit viper devours a brown tree frog in a rainforest in Taiwan, as the frog forlornly takes a final gulp of air.