The grass is always greener when it’s real. PavCo is shopping for a new fleet of lawn mowers to maintain the real grass turf ...
Sod is an important specialty crop in the northern U.S., representing over $549 million ... under award number A337-19-SCMP-18-001, and also by 2) The Lawn Institute.
When managed as a traditional lawn, these grasses require very few inputs to remain vigorous and they will provide an excellent surface throughout the late spring into early fall. Both zoysiagrass and ...
More public information is beneficial about the advantages and disadvantages of natural grass sod versus artificial turf. There are many important factors to consider: economic, health ...
bennettii. However, most of the dollar spot disease incidences worldwide are caused by C. jacksonii and C. monteithiana, which occur on cool-season and warm-season grass hosts, respectively. any other ...