One episode of the famous sci-fi/horror series The Twilight Zone was so controversial that it was banned from syndication for ...
The episode would even get its own sequel, in the 2002 revival series. The story was later adapted for "Twilight Zone: The Movie," albeit with a tighter focus and happier ending, while the ...
The Twilight Zone produced some of the most iconic episodes of television of all time. By using fantastic elements to explore sensitive topics, The Twilight Zone could be thought-provoking ...
Some key episodes of the classic TV show The Twilight Zone are perfect short stories that are self-contained in 30 minutes or so. Others have plots that could easily be turned into full-length movies.
"Where Is Everybody?" introduces The Twilight Zone theme of reality vs. fantasy in the pilot episode. "Eye Of The Beholder" exemplifies the show's twist endings through unconventional perspectives.