在数字音乐快速发展的今天,微软即将在Windows 11中融入全新的MIDI 2.0标准。这一更新被认为是自1983年以来,对操作系统技术的最大飞跃,有望改变音乐制作人的创作方式。这次更新不仅提供了对MIDI 2.0的原生支持,还对MIDI ...
微软借助 Windows 11对 MIDI 系统进行了重大改进,这是自 1983 年推出以来对该标准的首次重大更新。操作系统的最新“Canary”(测试版)包括 Windows MIDI 服务的公开预览版,其中首次包含对MIDI 2.0 ...
[TheSpodShed] decided to whip up a USB MIDI interface for the chip, with the help of the Arduino Pro Micro. The Arduino Pro Micro is a Sparkfun creation, using the ATmega32U4 microcontroller.
[Joonas] became frustrated with cheap but crappy MIDI to USB converters, and the better commercial ones were beyond his budget. He used a Teensy LC to build one for himself and it did the job ...