Examples might include: Imaging tests may offer more specific information about chronic groin pain, such as that experienced by athletes. These might include ultrasound, X-rays, MRI, or other tests.
A 2008 survey of hip injuries in the NFL introduced the “sports hip triad,” consisting of a hip labral tear, adductor injury and rectus abdominis injury.This concept highlights the frequent ...
Introduction One of the causes of anterior groin pain is known to be related to insertional tensor fascia lata (TFL) tendinopathy (soft tissue origin). This entity has been very well described a few ...
Commonly found among male athletes who participate in cutting and pivoting sports, such as soccer, football, basketball and hockey, groin injuries have been associated with a myriad of descriptions ...
In spring 2024, Grayson Niemi felt an ache in his groin and he thought he pulled ... Still, he ordered an ultrasound as a precaution. The results came back the same day of the test, and Niemi's ...
Chronic groin pain is a common presentation in sports medicine. It is most often a problem in those sports that involve kicking and twisting movements while running. The morbidity of groin pain should ...