A large majority of Americans (a whopping 85%) report that they throw away food after its use-by or sell-by date, believing that consuming it after the date will make them sick, says Broad Leib.
While we have all sniffed food to check whether it has gone off, it's sometimes difficult to know which produce can be safely consumed after its use-by date. Whether it's chocolate that has ...
You don’t need to automatically throw away the food if the best-by date has passed, MacMullan said. Instead, she said, use your senses. Does the item smell, look and feel like it should?
‘Best before’ is about quality rather than safety: after the best before date the food may lose some of its flavour and the texture may not be so good. The ‘use by’ date is a really ...
If you have ever sniffed your food to check whether it has gone off, you are in good company. Environment Secretary Elizabeth Truss recently revealed that she regularly eats food that is past ...
I chatted with experts who shared their top tips—including what to know about your food’s “sell by” and “use by” dates—so you can make the most informed decisions, like when you ...
“I think a big piece of it is that date labels were widely used starting in the 1970s. There are people who didn’t have them when they started buying food. We use your sign-up to provide ...
Is canned food supposed to list an expiration date? Nope, not unless it's baby food or formula. What about sell-by and use-by dates? Most cans list them. Once these days pass, you can usually ...