As it turns out, there’s quite a conversation going on while the monitor and the computer decide how to get along, and sniffing out VGA communications can reveal some pretty fascinating stuff ...
When setting up a home PC, your monitor preference has to be correct – as that’s the most stared at piece of your PC puzzle, ...
Making a microcontroller speak to a VGA monitor has been a consistent project in our sphere for years, doing the job for which an IBM PC of yore required a plug-in ISA card. Couldn’t a ...
Upgrade your home office setup for less with this great looking Lenovo ThinkVision 23.8-inch monitor deal at Lenovo.The ...
For example, the analog VGA monitor interface uses a D-sub 15-pin plug and socket. Also called "DB connectors" and "D-subs," they come in 9, 15, 25, 37 and 50 pin varieties. The D-sub designation ...