For the wedding, PV Sindhu wore a champagne-gold Manish Malhotra saree, but what grabbed our attention was her Varmala look. For the Varmala, PV Sindhu opted for a crimson red lehenga by ace ...
Also, I had recorded a song composed by Amar Khandha, and it was played during the varmala ceremony, making the moment even more special. It was a traditional Gujarati wedding with Vedic rituals ...
The varmala ceremony is over, and the couple is now expected to take pheras around the sacred fire. Chinese ambassador to India, Xu Feihong, shared inside pictures from the wedding ceremony.
Although the wedding took place a few days earlier, she posted a beautiful varmala video on Instagram on December 31, offering a peek into their special day. For her big day, Jheel wore a stunning ...
Sindhu wore a champagne-gold saree by Manish Malhotra for the wedding ceremony, and a crimson red lehenga by Sabyasachi Mukherjee for the Varmala look. The event was an intimate affair ...