MOBILE, Ala. (WALA) - A number of activities are set around the Gulf Coast in honor of Veterans Day. Milton The Veterans Day ...
Over at the Solstice Senior Living Center, community members gathered to honor veterans who served in the Vietnam War and era ...
Recent successes such as expanding enrollment in student veteran organizations, conducting Green Zone training for staff and faculty to improve understanding of veteran issues, the identification of ...
Cambria and Somerset county veterans from all eras of service and their family members are invited to attend the day's activities.
A proclamation was made on March 29, 2012, by President Barack Obama, declaring that very day, March 29, 2012, will be ...
Hopewell — Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 637 will host a day of remembrance and celebration to honor the brave men and ...
Author and veteran Jim McComb will share the names and stories of Bucks County veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice.
commemorations honouring war veterans are held across the UK. 2020 was the 75th anniversary of VE Day and Bring the Noise collaborated with the National Memorial Arboretum for a special activity ...
Read full article: Florida House overwhelmingly approves bill allowing families to hold doctors, hospitals accountable for malpractice City Council approved a resolution to state its ‘lack of ...