The Art of Electronics, on regulators. Chapter 5 probably made most of an impression on the late-teenage me, because it explains voltage regulation and power supplies both linear and switching.
Power management of battery-powered electronic devices is becoming increasingly more important for the microelectronics industry. This white paper details the difference between low dropout (LDO) ...
And sometimes it’s just annoying, like the use of cheap voltage regulators that fail often and perform poorly. [fvfilippetti] was tired of dealing with this on his motorcycle, so he built a ...
Linear voltage regulators are key components in any power-management system that requires a stable and ripple-free power supply. A subset of linear voltage regulators is a class of circuits known as ...
By going contrary to conventional thinking, a design team devised a more-efficient regulator device for the DC-power path.
The report says the voltage regulator output wire may rub on the front corner of the crankcase, exposing the wire and causing an electrical short circuit. A short can result in a loss of ...