In the wilds of northern Minnesota, an enigmatic creature has been caught on camera, leaving wildlife experts scratching their heads. The mysterious animal, filmed by the Voyageurs Wolf Project, ...
Being in the great outdoors can be quite an experience. There is a palpable serenity in being one with nature and basking in ...
A rare species of 'special concern', that had never before been caught on camera - while alive - was finally captured on film by a team of student researchers. The never-before-pictured Mount ...
Humpback anglerfish typically are found at depths of up to 1,500 meters below the water's surface, where there is little to no sunlight.
A mysterious double-humped creature caught on film has led a monster hunter to claim “the only possibility is Nessie”. Eoin O’Faodhagain said he spotted something estimated to be up to 20ft ...
The pointy-nosed, beady-eyed, greyish-brown creature that is native to the Sierra Nevada region was the only known mammal in the state of California that had never been captured on camera ...