By the 2025-2026 academic year, the Department of Education would have up to five new privately operated public campuses ...
Puerto Ricans know this all too well. Tourists often reduce our entire history and culture through comments such as “they dance so well,” “the people are so happy” and “the women are so hot.” The ...
That truth poses a profound problem for Israelis who advocate the Puerto Rico model. Because an Israel that gave Palestinians in the West Bank the ability to vote if they moved to Israel would be ...
Sign up for Forwarding the News, the Forward’s morning newsletter with all the news and analysis that matters to American Jews each day. If President Donald Trump ...
mostly from Puerto Rico, who have settled in cities west and north of Philadelphia.
A tourism boon in Puerto Rico has local hotspots facing challenges of cultural dilution and environmental strain.
The best way to get around Puerto Rico is by car if you want to see more ... and Rafael Hernández Airport (BQN) on the west coast in Aguadilla. Check the flight schedule for airlines like Spirit ...
Though 66% of travelers stay in the metro urban area, according to Discover Puerto Rico, 39% of visitors now explore the island’s east coast, 29% venture south and another 29% head west.