这款车在内饰设计上做出了惊人升级,其中最引人关注的是标志性的Hyperscreen超大屏显示系统。 新车采用的Hyperscreen系统,宽达56英寸,展现了奔驰在 ...
最令人瞩目的设计亮点无疑是奔驰标志性的Hyperscreen超大屏显示系统。该系统已在EQS等车型上展现其非凡魅力,拥有高达56英寸的显示面积,为乘客 ...
新款迈巴赫S级将使用奔驰E级上同款MBUX Hyperscreen,也算是将奔驰EQS、奔驰E级进行了内饰风格家族化,另外迈巴赫S级副驾驶乘员终于有了一块属于 ...
The company wants to improve the content available for its interior displays, especially for the Hypescreen interior ...
The MBUX Hyperscreen is an option on a number of the latest models, including the Mercedes-Benz EQS, and turns the whole dash into the kind of cockpit that might look at home on a spacecraft.
Still, Mercedes won't ditch its Hyperscreen, and Wagener said the company is developing better software and more content to make the massive screens worth having. While most modern cars have a ...
据悉,新款迈巴赫S级将搭载与奔驰E级相同的MBUX Hyperscreen,这一设计元素也已在奔驰EQS上得到应用,标志着奔驰S级家族内饰风格的进一步统一。