For decades, bacterial vaginosis has been treated as a women’s health issue—but new research suggests treating male partners ...
That fishy smell? It’s bacterial vaginosis. A new study shows it’s an STI, and male partners should be treated to stop the ...
Bacterial vaginosis is confined to an asymptomatic state in at least half of the cases. Symptomatic BV, on the other hand, is most typically accompanied by foul-smelling, profuse vaginal discharge ...
It is not just a woman’s problem; treating male partners of women with bacterial vaginosis resulted in significantly lower recurrence rates than treating women only.
Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is not classified as a sexually transmitted infection, but the results of a new study could change ...
Bacterial vaginosis may not be a solo problem.Treating both partners could finally stop the frustrating cycle of recurring BV.
New research has uncovered the missing link for people suffering from these recurring (and frustrating!) infections.
Nick Blackmer is a librarian, fact-checker, and researcher with more than 20 years of experience in consumer-facing health and wellness content. New research suggests that bacterial vaginosis, a ...
Bacterial vaginosis is a common yet often undiagnosed condition that can have significant health consequences if ignored.
F or some women, bacterial vaginosis, or BV, is such a common occurrence that they find themselves regularly dealing with the vaginal infection-even after treatment. Part of the problem seems to ...
The symptoms of bacterial vaginosis According to the Cleveland Clinic, 84 percent of women with a BV infection don’t have any symptoms at all and the most common symptoms for those who do ...