These experimental devices were gradually refined and the first negative pressure ventilator to be of clinical value was described by Drinker in 1928.1 This tank ventilator or ‘iron lung’ in its many ...
We compared the efficacy of positive pressure ventilation (PPV) vs negative pressure ventilation (NPV) in providing ventilatory muscle rest for five normal subjects and six patients with chronic ...
Before the invention of the polio vaccine, the iron lung supported patients whose lungs were weakened or paralyzed by polio. This is its impact today.
Background: The lack of patient triggering capability during negative pressure ventilation (NPV) may contribute to poor patient synchrony and induction of upper airway collapse. This study was ...
Both intermittent negative pressure ventilation (INPV) and positive pressure ventilation through a face or a nasal mask have been used recently for this purpose. nMV in ARF is reported to be ...
In this document NIV refers to non-invasive positive pressure ventilation, and other less commonly used techniques such as external negative pressure or rocking beds will not be discussed. (NIPPV is ...
We evaluated vascular flows using phase-contrast CMR imaging during unassisted breathing, negative pressure ventilation (NPV) and biphasic ventilation (BPV). Measurements were made within target ...