The perennially popular game show on ABC 7, WHEEL OF FORTUNE, is sending a team of producers and social media correspondent, ...
There are a number of Wheel of Fortune fans upset about the quality of puzzles the contestants have to solve in order to win as of late, and they're not staying quiet about it.
"Wheel of Fortune" host Ryan Seacrest took a tumble Tuesday when a contestant's hug became a little too forceful.
Wheel of Fortune needs to refresh the show's puzzles, say viewers who complained of "dumb" puzzles that "make no sense." ...
“Wheel of Fortune” viewers may no longer be able ... Nease might have faced similar comments not just from the audience, but from the show’s host. Sajak, who retired in June at age 77 ...
Even so, we can’t always discount armchair opinions about players’ strategies when they’re based in fact and logic, and Wheel of Fortune fans are sharing some pretty interesting observations about ...
In September, Sony Pictures Television handed the keys to its game show “Wheel of Fortune” to Ryan Seacrest, broadcasting’s iron man. Nielsen data show “Wheel of Fortune” averaging 7.9 million viewers ...
"Wheel of Fortune" hosts Ryan Seacrest and Vanna White helped make one contestant's night a little special. On Thursday night, during the game show's 50th anniversary celebration, Seacrest ...
Some Wheel of Fortune viewers are growing frustrated with the show’s fast-paced editing, which they claim doesn’t give them enough time to focus on the puzzles and play along at home.