The values that guided them then—generosity, perseverance, bravery, and wisdom—continue to serve the Lakota people today. Mandy Van Heuvelen Cegape or Strike the Kettle (Lakota, ca.
Now, Sitting Bull, the Hunkpapa Lakota warrior who had roused his people at Little Bighorn, had been murdered by federal Indian police. The regiment was tasked with intercepting, disarming and ...
It's about Delwin Fiddler Jr., a Native American member of the Lakota Sioux Tribe, who returns home after years in Philadelphia to visit his family on their South Dakota reservation. The ...
As the museum looks ahead to the dedication of the National Native American Veterans Memorial, Chief Lakota talks to us about the women in her family who have inspired her and the people for whom ...
Tolloak, a junior in Pforzheimer House concentrating in Integrative Biology on the premedical track, died on Jan. 17 after a brief illness. He was 21.
Matt Janis, 2013 and 2014 participant from the Oglala Sioux Tribe in SD. He now attends Oglala Lakota College where he is pursuing a B.S degree in Natural Science. In 2015, Matt participated in an NSF ...