Roses are an enchanting addition to any garden, but enthusiasts must be on the lookout for the much-dreaded black spot disease that can ravage these flowers if not detected and managed swiftly.
You may have heard that winter is the best time to prune roses but anyone wishing to have healthy flowers should in fact do nothing to the plant at this time of the year. It is far too cold to ...
The process of winterising involves fortifying plants against the severe conditions winter brings—protecting ... years with no trouble. My roses and camellias flower bigger than ever once ...
If weak stems are allowed to remain, roses will redirect their energy into maintaining that part of the plant rather than focusing on flower production. Also, cut away any crossing branches at the ...
New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) in association with India Rose Society will organize the Winter Rose Show this ... The display of roses in pots and cut flowers of different types of roses ...