“I believe inspirational quotes work best when they’re relevant and inspirational to you,” she said in an email. So, don’t just print out a list of generic quotes to decorate your des ...
Names of concertos, operas, overtures, sonatas, suites and symphonies, such as Tchaikovsky's Symphony No. 6, are not placed in quotes, but if the work also has a title, the title is placed in quotes. ...
Can you go seven for seven on choosing the leader and their words about the value of hard work? Opportunity is missed by people because it is dressed in overalls and it looks like work.
Yet as the work-life balance quotes below – gathered from commencement speeches and other public sound bites – show, that shouldn’t prevent you from trying to relieve the strain caused by ...
Instead of becoming discouraged when the rough patches occur, find the strength to continue on with this collection of ...
Depending on who it is, you can tease them with sayings about their age and getting older, or joke about how they're leaving ...