A new study in Cell Reports Medicine reveals that how often you go to the bathroom affects your long-term health way more ...
The ideal poo is a 'type 3' or 'type 4' – cracked or smooth sausage – delivered once per day. Are you a three-times a day kind of person, or is a trip to the lavatory a more rare and special occasion?
And crucially, what does your poo frequency reveal about your health? Sit down, relax, and learn about the science of poop. How often we go for a number two can vary from person to person.
including your poop habits. Eating more plant-based foods, such as those in a vegetarian or vegan diet, can offer many health benefits. It can also significantly impact bowel movements.
Dwyane Wade Discovered His Cancer via a Full-Body MRI Scan—But, Does That Mean You Need to Get One, Too? It may seem a little, er, TMI—but the truth is that the color of your poop offers quite ...
Holding in poop on occasion is not harmful, but doing this often can lead to constipation, impaction, inflammation, and more severe complications. People who hold in their poop too often may start ...
“Chronic constipation can occur if your diet lacks sufficient fibre; this is crucial for adding bulk and softness to the poo by absorbing water and helping it move smoothly through the intestines.