An amusement park in the Chinese province of Shandong is going viral for housing donkeys painted as zebras — a move an ...
In 2018, a zoo in Cairo, Egypt was accused of painting zebra stripes on donkeys after social media pointed out the animal’s face and ears didn’t appear to be the right size. The zoo’s ...
A zoo in China has come under criticism for painting ... with critics highlighting the unethical nature of the deception and concern for animal welfare.
The zebra that died in a zoo in Essex after an "incident" with a rhinoceros was killed after the larger animal unintentionally punctured its stomach. Colchester Zoo had revealed over the weekend ...
A zebra died after a rhino unintentionally ... He was described by the zoo as "a much loved animal who will be dearly missed" ...
A rare hybrid foal known as a zebroid was born on Sunday at Erbil Zoo, west of the city, a zoo veterinarian said on Monday.
SEOUL--A young zebra walked, trotted, and galloped for hours in the busy streets of South Korea’s capital before emergency workers tranquilized the animal and brought it back to a zoo. The zebra ...
Guwahati: A male zebra named ‘Rocky' unexpectedly passed away at the Assam state zoo late Thursday. The animal was undergoing treatment for three consecutive days. The state zoo had received the ...