Japanese animation studio MAPPA announced more Dorohedoro anime is on the way. Five years since the release of the first season, viewers will get a follow up to the series sometime in 2025.
Since its premiere in 2022, Chainsaw Man has made waves among anime fans as one of the buzziest titles in streaming. An adaption of Tatsuki Fujimoto's shōnen manga of the same, the show follows the ...
Aside from showcasing the talents of the animators and production team over at MAPPA, ZENSHU wears its heart ... The show utilizes elements from one of anime’s most oversaturated genres, isekai ...
MAPPA to premiere its original anime ZENSHU on January 5, 2025. The story follows Natsuko Hirose, a young director who struggles to create a love anime due to her lack of personal experience.