Government yesterday announced that bauxite mining here is making a comeback as last year saw a groundbreaking increase in output of some 225 per cent as compared to 2023, with 1.7 million tonnes ...
Growing focus on discovering new bauxite sources and its prevalence as a common ore for aluminum production drive bauxite mining market growth, says Fact. ROCKVILLE , MD, UNITED STATES ...
The Greens are on a collision course with Alcoa and South32 and their 7000-strong workforce after unveiling a commitment to ban bauxite mining in Western Australia’s native forests if they seize the ...
ASX-listed Western Yilgarn said on Thursday it had started work on a mineral resource estimate for its Julimar West bauxite project in the Darling Range region, about 90 km north-east of Perth. The ...
The government is upbeat about the prospects of increased bauxite production here this year as the Chinese-owned Bosai Minerals Group has been granted additional land to mine that would see ...
In a balance of power position, the Greens (WA) will negotiate for an end to forest mining in Western Australia and greater protections for our forests.