PM on January 31, two juvenile females, left Bauxite Middle School and got lost in the woods, attempting to head to ...
Government yesterday announced that bauxite mining here is making a comeback as last year saw a groundbreaking increase in output of some 225 per cent as compared to 2023, with 1.7 million tonnes ...
Canyon Resources' major shareholder, Eagle Eye Asset Holdings (EEA), has agreed to underwrite the full debt requirements to ...
Growing focus on discovering new bauxite sources and its prevalence as a common ore for aluminum production drive bauxite mining market growth, says Fact. ROCKVILLE , MD, UNITED STATES ...
The Greens are on a collision course with Alcoa and South32 and their 7000-strong workforce after unveiling a commitment to ban bauxite mining in Western Australia’s native forests if they seize the ...
ASX-listed Western Yilgarn said on Thursday it had started work on a mineral resource estimate for its Julimar West bauxite project in the Darling Range region, about 90 km north-east of Perth. The ...
The government is upbeat about the prospects of increased bauxite production here this year as the Chinese-owned Bosai Minerals Group has been granted additional land to mine that would see ...
The Chamber of Minerals and Energy WA has defended bauxite mining in the state, after the Greens WA vowed to ban the practice ...
In a balance of power position, the Greens (WA) will negotiate for an end to forest mining in Western Australia and greater protections for our forests.