(吉隆坡12日讯)双威集团主席兼创办人丹斯里谢富年,荣膺英国国王查尔斯三世封赐大英帝国爵级司令勋章(KBE),表彰他在高等教育、医疗服务和慈善事业的贡献。谢富年是首位获得英王查尔斯封赐KBE的马来西亚公民。谢富年也是马来西亚客家公会联合会第12及第14届总会长(1997-2003)。他曾于1999年带领马来西亚客联会承办第15届世界客属恳亲大会,并获得盛况空前。马来西亚客家公会联合会今日发表文告指 ...
KBE ETF primarily invests in regional banks, offering a consistent dividend yield and lower standard deviation compared to peers like KRE. Despite a 5-year CAGR of 7.89%, KBE's growth lags behind ...
Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) continue to be a foundational mainstay of the world’s investment markets, conforming to the ...
Discover how potential U.S. bank deregulation could reshape lending capacities and investment strategies, with insights from Morgan Stanley's Katy L.