President Donald Trump delivered what sounded like one of his typical meandering, grievance-laden campaign speeches on Friday ...
For more than an hour, he delivered an insult-laden speech that shattered the traditional notion of DOJ independence.
President Trump made a rare visit to DOJ headquarters Friday, where he addressed many of the lawyers tasked with defending ...
近日,在备受瞩目的戛纳电影节上,一名法国女权主义者SCUM以极具冲击力的方式进行了一场抗议活动,她赤身裸体跑上红毯,用身体作为抗议工具,向现场的明星和观众高呼“Stop raping, US”,这一事件瞬间在社交媒体上引发了热议,引发了不少人对艺术与抗议之间关系的思考。
Now, there’s a term for another airborne nuisance—passengers who blast their music and videos without headphones.
Paragon Software has released a new driver, BioNTdrv.sys version 2.0.0, which fixes these flaws. Vulnerable versions of the ...
No earbuds, no shame—just pure, unfiltered "speaker scum." It started with a post on the "r/unitedairlines" Reddit forum, according to the New York Post. A flier, in a post titled "Anti ...