Red-shouldered hawks are gorgeous medium-sized, solid birds, smaller than a red-tailed but bigger than a broad-winged hawk.
Juveniles are similar, but red-shouldered shows 3 bands on the folded secondaries; broad-winged lacks the pale crescent at the base of the primaries. Juvenile Northern Harrier is rufous underneath ...
But, on the other hand, overpopulation wouldn’t be healthy, bring on the predators! Red-shouldered hawks are gorgeous medium-sized, solid birds, smaller than a red-tailed but bigger than a broad ...
FREMONT, CA — Dan Myers took this glorious photo last month of a red shouldered hawk in Fremont. The hawk was conveniently perched on the branch of a pine tree, close to the balcony of Dan's home.
The photo captures the moment when this handsome red-shouldered hawk spotted its breakfast in The Villages. Thanks to Julie Walfield for sharing!
A red-shouldered hawk was released on Thursday after undergoing life-saving surgery from the staff at Pelican Harbor Seabird Station in Miami. The hawk was in recovery for 58 days. X-rays revealed ...