There's more to wearing the "niqab" -- the austere, all-covering veil favored by ultra-religious Muslim women -- than meets the eye. A recent declaration by a leading Egyptian cleric that women will ...
No symbol is so linked to Muslim women as that of “the veil.” Whether a simple headscarf or a head-to-toe cover such as the chaddor or burka, Muslim women’s covered dress has meaning for many far ...
However, it may be worn with a separate eye veil. It is worn with an accompanying headscarf. The burka is the most concealing of all Islamic veils. It is a one-piece veil that covers the face and ...
(ANSA) - ROME, JAN 20 - It is common sense to ban the Islamic veil in public spaces in Italy, League leader Matteo Salvini said after the right-wing party filed a bill banning the veil and setting ...
In a sudden change in stance, Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel did a complete U-turn by making her first public call for banning burkas or full Islamic veils. "The wearing of burkas should be ...
The Netherlands-based company, which specializes in modest fashion, released a TikTok video depicting the Eiffel Tower covered in an abaya and an Islamic veil, a digital alteration made possible ...