The funny thing about syphilis is that it was historically more ... University students would contract it from prostitutes, experience the chancre and swollen lymph nodes characteristic of the ...
A line in one of these syphilis theses caught my eye and intrigued me. Student Adele Cohn's 1931 paper makes a reference to "Schamberg's well-known kissing party." "Schamberg's well-known kissing ...
In summary, these are typical findings in secondary syphilis with a chancre, lymphadenitis, verrucous exanthema and palmar involvement (clavi syphilitici), mucous membrane involvement (mucous ...
The initial manifestation of syphilis often appears deceptively mild, beginning with what medical professionals call a chancre. This characteristic sore typically develops at the infection site ...
6 A diagnosis of primary syphilis was therefore made, and treatment was instituted. Although the ulcer in this case was suspected of being a chancre, this could not be proved until quantitative ...
Syphilis is typically spread through direct contact with a syphilis sore, known as a chancre, during vaginal, anal or oral ...
Doctors mark the first chancre as the start of the primary stage of syphilis. The sore will usually appear at the location where the disease entered the body. They can last between 3-6 weeks ...