I want to generate 5 digit sequential serial number . For example: starting serial number must be 00000 then next will be 00001, 00002..... 00011 like this .
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This blog will help to create a custom edit text on button click.This tutorial includes a xml file which hold a button after click on button create a layout parmas for edit text. Each edit text has ...
Welcome to FindNerd's Java developer forum, the right place to resolve Java language problems. This Java questions and answers community platform is specifically developed for those fresh and ...
This is a basic how-to tutorial on adding single or multiple images to PDF using JSPDF framework. JSPDF framework is a framework which helps to convert an html document into PDF format. To achieve ...
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In the software engineering field software designing is a main section. We can categorized into three sections of the software designing these are as-- Architectural Design High-level Design Detailed ...
In previous blog we added openCV android sdk and native libraries in our project so that we can use sdk. Here we will show camera in our Android app using openCV sdk.
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To add a separator line separator string is used, below us the way to do this. Go to .xml file and use the below code .