If you have bad credit, you may still be able to get a credit card with Capital One, which could help you build your credit score. We offer credit limits starting from £200. See if you're eligible for ...
If you’re having difficulties making credit card payments or you have an unexpected strain on your finances, we can help you find ways to feel more in control. So please let us.
How do I add an extra cardholder to my account? How do I update the name of an extra cardholder? How can I authorise my extra cardholder to discuss my account? How do I remove an extra cardholder from ...
Millions buy online every day, but always remain aware and take steps to avoid putting your debit or credit card details at risk. Your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn need to be protected to ensure ...
Your contactless card is the simple way to pay in seconds for purchases of £100 and under, without entering your PIN. For security we will, from time to time, ask you to perform a CHIP and PIN ...
We need you to send us documents from the list below to help us check your identity and address. We can't continue to process your application until we receive these. National Insurance document from ...
When you’re looking to get a credit card, the amount of choice can be overwhelming. That’s why at Capital One, we’ve made sure that applying for a card online is as simple as possible. After finishing ...
Capital One (Europe) plc is a public limited company registered in England and Wales under company number 3879023. In these terms and conditions, "we", "us" and "our" refers to Capital One (Europe) ...
Can I apply for a Capital One credit card? I already have a Capital One card. Can I apply for another one? What information will you need from me to apply for a Capital One credit card?
Since 2015, the FCA has focused financial firms' minds on ensuring the fair treatment of vulnerable customers. It's fair to say all financial services firms have been on a journey in how to best ...
With QuickCheck, you can get a simple yes or no straight away, without impacting your credit score. Fill in a few details and we'll let you know if you're eligible, without affecting your credit score ...
Join over one million customers who've already set up a Direct Debit. Never miss a payment and always pay on time. Credit is a common way of borrowing money for things you need right now, but want or ...