The Daily Hearing List includes all matters scheduled to be heard in the Supreme Court of Victoria each day with times and courtrooms. It is available from 3:40pm, Monday to Friday, for the next ...
The Court of Appeal hears appeals from criminal and civil cases decided in the Supreme Court Trial Division and County Court, and some appeals from the Magistrates' Court (when constituted by the ...
Form 42C Subpoena Both to Attend to Give Evidence and to Produce is used to compel a person to give evidence and produce documents at the trial of a proceeding. Subpoenas are legal documents that ...
In season two, Gertie’s Law introduces listeners to the barristers and solicitors who sit at an unexplored part of the Supreme Court: the bar table. Lawyers join judges, legal experts and historians ...
A paper presented by the Hon. Justice Clyde Croft at the Commercial Court CPD and CLE Seminar – Aon Risk Services Australia Ltd v ANU [2009] HCA 27: What does this mean for litigation and how will it ...
When a person dies leaving assets in Victoria, usually the executor of a person's will or the closest next of kin (where there is no will) has to finalise the deceased's affairs. Generally this ...
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The Supreme Court of Victoria's annual reports outline the Court's workload, achievements and challenges during the year, and our commitment to excellence in managing the Court's administrative ...
The Court is open to the public and we encourage people to attend hearings. You will find seating in the public gallery which is usually at the back of the courtroom. Hearings will only be closed when ...
Form 5A – commencing a proceeding by writ. Use Form 5A when commencing a proceeding by writ. See Orders 4 and 5 of the Supreme Court (General Civil Procedure) Rules 2015 for more information.
Attention: Please follow the guide below when completing the Consent Minute form. Submissions with errors or omissions will not be accepted. Ensure accuracy to avoid any delays.
The judicial officers of the Supreme Court of Victoria are its judges, associate judges and judicial registrars. For a current list of our judiciary see our Judicial Organisational Chart. To contact a ...