Erasmus+ for studies within the EU as well as outside of Europe is part of the EU Erasmus+ Programme. Incoming students within the framework of SEMP - Swiss Exchange Mobility Programme, Coimbra Group ...
Uni-Impresa è un programma nato nel 2017 per potenziare le relazioni tra il mondo accademico e quello imprenditoriale, promuovendo il trasferimento di conoscenze e competenze. Tramite Uni-Impresa, si ...
Indice dei corsi e test al CLA, alcuni con modalità a distanza.Certificazione CILS ...
The University of Padova has launched a scouting initiative called "Talent @Unipd" supporting excellent research to be conducted on its premises. The aim of the Talent @Unipd initiative is to attract ...
Le borse post-dottorato Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA - PF) sono erogate dalla Commissione europea per sostenere finanziariamente la mobilità internazionale e la formazione dei ricercatori in possesso ...
Michele Fondriest completed his PhD at the University of Padua (Italy) in 2014 and three post-doctoral fellowships between the University of Padua (Italy: 2014-2015 and 2019) and the University of ...
The Erasmus+ for Studies programme allows students to spend a period of study (between 2 and 12 months) at one of the other 500 universities in one of the participating European countries, also in a ...
ALGANT - International Integrated Master course in Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory The ALGANT consortium consists of eight universities on four continents and offers a two-year world-class ...
Movement is like a mosaic: every motor neuron has its own place and role. Emanuela Zuccaro is a brilliant scientist who has been winning several prestigious fellowships and grants in the past few ...
Il programma Erasmus + Studio permette di trascorrere un periodo di studio (da 2 a 12 mesi) presso una delle oltre 500 università convenzionate di uno dei paesi europei partecipanti al programma, ...
Due to the limited number of places available in the students' halls of residence, only non-European students who need a study visa to enter and stay in Italy can apply for accommodation. These ...
DAFNAE works to combine innovative teaching and up-to-date research with its advanced laboratories and experimental farm at Agripolis, a modern university campus devoted to educational and research ...