PS 的预测能力:PS 的预测能力因性状和年份而异,整体表现出一定的潜力。如用 P-BLUP 方法时,一些性状的预测能力较高,像 2021 年 GER 的预测能力达到 0.57,植株高度(PH)在各年份预测能力约为 0.43 。P-BLUP 比偏最小二乘法(PLS)回归的预测能力更好,且受数据 ...
这项研究成果发表在《Heliyon》杂志上,为植物育种领域带来了新的曙光。 有明显优势品种的大豆实验:在第一个大豆实验中,通过与最佳线性无偏预测(Best Linear Unbiased Prediction,BLUP)回归分析对比发现,秩置信区间不仅能和 BLUP 一样识别出表现最佳的大豆品种 ...
The SOC data from three consecutive years were compared using a Student’s t-test in Microsoft Excel 2013, and the normal distribution map was generated using Origin Pro 8.0. The correlation analysis ...
Spearman ranking correlations revealed generally high correlations between EBVs or EGVs from GBLUP and PBLUP models (0.845–0.876), being even higher between both PBLUP models (0.998–1.000) and between ...
The production of high-quality wheat seeds in soils with low soil organic matter (SOM) content requires the use of nitrogen (N) fertilization techniques, since different types of N fertilizers have ...
Assess today's live Shree Karni Fabcom Ltd (SRER) share price, performance and insights using our live NSE: SRER stock exchange data. Analyse the historical data and Shree Karni Fabcom Ltd share price ...