Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge urged Delhi voters to prioritize development and reject politicians who make false promises. Voting is underway for the Delhi Assembly elections, with ...
PA系列主要是0-10V 4-20m外加开关点输出 伊玛PB1143系列主要是0-10V 4-20mA输出。 PB1141 G1/4" 2bar 18~36VDC ,Output 4~20mA ,2Wire,不锈钢316L PB1142 G1/4" 5bar 18~36VDC ,Output 4~20mA ,2Wire,不锈钢316L PB1143 G1/4" 10bar 18~36VDC ...
Following that he held a lead design position at 2Wire, Inc., a successful start-up addressing the residential broadband access market, where he led the integration and verification of their flagship ...
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