Question: About that 30-foot-tall tree standing inside uptown Normal’s Medici restaurant — where did it come from? Did they build the restaurant around it? What kind of tree is it? And ...
On Saturday, March 30, firefighters were called to a home on Lozier Road after a cat got stuck in a tree behind the house 40 feet into the woods, the Budd Lake Fire Department Co. #1 said.
A fire truck sits by a rotted pin oak tree branch in Lindenwood Park that ... $1.54 million to a man whose skull was cracked when a 30-foot-long branch from a pin oak fell on him at a city bus ...
BOWLING GREEN, Ky. (WBKO) - A 30-foot cedar Christmas tree was delivered to SKyPAC for their third annual tree lighting celebration. Escorted by the Warren County Sheriff’s Office, the tree was ...
Hailing from Europe and parts of Asia, the chaste tree is most often grown as a large, multi-stemmed shrub but can be pruned to a single-trunk, 20- to 30-foot tree. Several varieties have a more ...
The Tyler Parks and Recreation crew spent the day perfecting the lights, fluffing each branch and carefully placing ornaments on the City of Tyler’s 30-foot Christmas tree. “The tree is up and ...