From 325 metres away, your eyes can probably distinguish a person’s head from their body – and not much else. But a new laser-based device can create a three-dimensional model of their face.
Goertek Optics Technology Co. ('Goeroptics'), a subsidiary of Goertek, has unveiled its latest full-color augmented reality (AR) etching waveguide module, Star G-E1, and its proprietary DLP (Digital ...
Researchers have designed a single-photon time-of-flight LiDAR system that can acquire a high-resolution 3D image of an object or scene up to 1 kilometer away. The new system could help enhance ...
As so often happens, January/February sees industry people transitioning roles for the new year. Two high-profile leaders have changed jobs, David Proctor has left Kyocera fro CBTech, while Former ...