通信世界网消息(CWW)如果说100多年前第一辆四轮汽车的诞生,让汽车有了完整的“躯体”,那么如今汽车与5G、人工智能等技术的深度融合,则让其拥有了智慧的“大脑”。当汽车变成智能终端,技术价值空间会越来越大,对汽车厂商而言,通信技术标准必要专利的授权 ...
12月24日, 长安第四代CS75PLUS ...
This is what PNG’s inclusion into the competition means for the NRL. As the gateway to Asia, PNG holds increasing geopolitical importance for Australia as China extends its influence in the Pacific.
At the time the deal was announced, a PNG government media release described Epoca Group Ltd as "Italian based". But its owners and directors, Gilberto Maggiolo and Antonio Bosso, are Australian ...