9."I wish people understood that ADHD doesn’t just affect your ability to focus. It really needs to be renamed. ADHD changes ...
Adults with autism have high rates of co-occurring attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and are more likely to ...
Sensitivity to noise, light and other triggers can lead to outbursts and irritability in people with ADHD. Here’s how to ...
Allison Burk’s teenage daughter struggled with uncontrolled emotions, a shrinking attention span and a growing tendency to procrastinate. A family doctor suggested ADHD testing, which led to an ...
A new artificial intelligence model measures how fast a patient's brain is aging and could be a powerful new tool for understanding, preventing and treating cognitive decline and dementia, according ...
Difficulties in social situations experienced by boys with autism may be related to how certain brain networks communicate ...
Genes shape brain structure and may influence neurological disorders like Parkinson’s and ADHD, revealing new insights into ...
When people are asked to focus, there's generally an increase in oxygenated blood flow to the frontal regions of their brain ...
“Our test identifies very early stages of tau tangle formation — up to a decade before any tau clumps can show up on a brain scan,” said senior study author Thomas Karikari, an assistant ...
At the beginning and end of the study, each participant also took part in a brain imaging test where they listened to 24 different audio excerpts. Six of those excepts were self-selected by the ...
If you have ADHD, you know that the symptoms can range from classic to complicated. You might be well acquainted with common symptoms like hyperfocus or difficulty getting on task; but even for people ...