In the video, Raj is seen offering his family Aloo matar sabji and puri. His primary intention was to capture his sister-in-law's reaction after tasting the Indian meal. Raj's sister-in-law ...
“My Korean family’s first Indian food,” read the text on the clip that shows the man asking his sister-in-law to taste poori and aloo matar. She was clearly impressed by the dishes that were laid out ...
Clear the slightly sorry greens and leftover potatoes out the fridge to make this versatile vegetable curry. It can easily be doubled to serve four. Heat the oil in a large, deep frying pan and ...
Book Review: Indian Summer – Intimate Tales of Lady Mountbatten, Nehru, and India’s Transformative Era Selena Gomez In Furry Jacket And Basic Jeans Is Setting New Standards For Proposal Dressing Is ...
Later, an audience member asks Nana, "In the movie Welcome, there's your iconic dialogue, 'Aloo lelo, kaanda lelo...' Did you know it would become such a cult moment?" Nana Patekar replies ...