Amphibians, with their unique life cycles and captivating behaviors, make for fascinating and often hassle-free pets. They ...
How to survive a dangerous encounter with poison dart frogs.
Amphibians and reptiles are cold-blooded animals. Amphibians live in water and on land. Reptiles primarily live on land. Amphibians have moist skin and lay eggs in water. Reptiles have scales and ...
Our purpose-built "frog saunas" allow amphibians to warm up in winter and bake off chytrid infections. You can even DIY and ...
In a controversial speech, Indonesia’s new president argued oil palm plantations are like forests, calling for their ...
Amphibians, a captivating but often ignored group, are cold-blooded vertebrates found on land and in water. With over 7,000 species, they vary greatly, some being poisonous. Fire salamanders are ...
Frog saunas are offering hope to amphibians struggling with chytrid fungus, providing a heat-based solution for survival ...
Many conservationists believe barred owls are the biggest threat to spotted owls because they are more aggressive and outcompete spotted owls for many of the same resources.
Plans for facilities to send electricity to Texas would harm Oklahoma's environment and threaten endangered species.
After every storm, nature blooms again; and just like nature, the WNC Nature Center will reopen in the future. Until then, ...
Create a winter den for frogs, toads and newts. Amphibians like to hibernate in a cool, dark and damp shelter that is safe from predators. Pick a shady, secluded spot where you can dig 30-45cm deep.
Each year, Northern red-legged frogs face a perilous journey to get to their breeding grounds as they risk getting squished ...