The BadBox Android malware botnet has been disrupted again by removing 24 malicious apps from Google Play and sinkholing ...
Security researchers HUMAN and partners disrupt BadBox 2.0 botnet They removed dozens of malicious apps from the Play Store, ...
A malware-based botnet, BadBox 2.0 uses lower-cost, off-brand Android devices to commit malicious acts including fraud. The ...
A massive malware botnet is turning Android TVs into cybercriminal proxies. Discover how Vo1d operates, its hidden dangers, ...
It seems that another Android malware known as SpyLend, was downloaded over 100,000 times from the Google Play Store.
Human Security, in collaboration with Google, Shadowserver and others, has sinkholed C2 operations affecting 500,000 infected ...
Attackers on Telegram are disguising malicious scripts as videos and tricking users into running them. Accidental clicking ...
If you are an Android TV user, take note - there is a new and dangerous botnet infecting endpoints left and right.
Kurt the CyberGuy offers tips on how you can protect your devices against infostealer malware, which was used to infect 4.3 ...
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