Patrycja Sarek, 39, was criminally charged and faced additional offences under the Dog Owners Liability Act and the Toronto Municipal Code.
The home range of fishing cats (Prionailurus viverrinus), found in parts of South and Southeast Asia, could be more expansive ...
HOLLISTER, Calif. (KION-TV) -- Two people are being sought after abandoning two rabbits in a cage before the Hollister Animal ...
Nearly 100 animals were rescued from an old school bus and a small van parked on a property at the state park in Galveston, ...
The United States has extended its ban on flights to Haiti’s capital until Sept. 8 because of escalating gang violence.
Carbondale resident Jessi Rochel, an avid runner and animal lover, will run in the 2025 Bank of America Chicago Marathon to ...
Nearly two decades after the Michael Vick case launched organized dog fighting into the spotlight, it still remains a ...
Elko, the Jack Russell mix, now travels around the world with his doting owners, visiting 20 countries since his adoption in ...
Chicago's Department of Animal Care and Control has not had a permanent leader in more than three years. Animal rights groups say naming a director would allow the agency to better advocate for ...
Each year, the Kendall County Commissioner's Court reviews the annual report from the Sheriff’s Office, which highlights ...
The OC Board of Supervisors is slated to discuss potential changes at OC Animal Care, including expanding viewing hours, ...
The facility is scheduled to be finished by the end of 2026. Its construction comes as the city's kennels face an ...