Berserk as a a franchise has been tragically absent from the anime world in recent days. Following Berserk: Memorial Edition, the series that was a compilation of the film trilogy covering the Golden ...
Bibury Animation Studios may be a new name in the anime world but they have already made a mark with their beautiful works and attention to detail. Founded in 2017 by Tensho, the studio is known ...
Anime fights are one of the best and easiest ways for the medium to break the internet due to their visual impact and the stakes. Stellar animation while adapting a battle that has two characters ...
As fans would hope, Dragon Ball Daima feels like a love letter to what’s made this franchise such a staple in anime and manga. Charming art direction, slick animation, and exciting martial arts ...
Netflix is still one of the best mainstream platforms for streaming anime. When audiences aren’t watching its live-action originals, including adaptations like One Piece, the streamer boasts a ...