It might start when a person stumbles over a word. Within as few as four years, a patient with primary progressive aphasia, a neurological language disorder, could go completely mute, said Maya Henry, ...
Imagine seeing a furry, four-legged animal that meows. Mentally, you know what it is, but the word "cat" is stuck on the tip of your tongue. This phenomenon, known as Broca's aphasia or expressive ...
‘Like A Ribbon’ is an astonishingly confident debut from John Glacier, the Londoner’s sound showing itself as all-encompassing. The record feels otherworldly at times, the rotating arcade synths of ...
This latest advance suggests it may be possible, with further refinement, for brain computer interfaces to improve communication in people with aphasia. People with aphasia -- a brain disorder ...
Objective: Aphasia and apraxia of speech (AOS) after stroke frequently co-occur with a hand motor impairment but few studies have investigated stroke recovery across motor and speech-language domains.
Background: Language recovery is limited in moderate to severe post-stroke aphasia patients. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) has emerged as a promising tool in improving language ...