While true herbicide resistance, driven by genetic changes in the plant, cannot be overcome by any spraying technique, ...
Following Defra’s decision to deny sugar beet growers emergency neonicotinoid seed treatments to combat virus yellows, ...
If you choose to also start lettuce, cabbages, spinach or kohl rabe indoors, they can be planted outside in early March.
Following DEFRA’s decision to deny the application for emergency authorisation to use the neonicotinoid-based Cruiser SB, farmers are being reminded of alternatives to help manage aphids and the ...
My friend Michael Janik, a certified arborist, is a fruit tree wizard. In his monthly newsletter for February, he writes that it is now time to […] ...
Mighty Mint peppermint spray is made from natural ingredients and is safe to use around dogs and children. But you'll want to ...
Slugs and snails can be a gardener's worst nightmare, but there is a simple and cheap way to keep them at bay, with the added ...
Aphids may be nearly invisible to the untrained eye, but a research scientist who specializes in crop-destroying insects warns Saskatchewan farmers not to ...
When darkness falls, your garden becomes a feast for hungry pests. One everyday food hero promises to protect your blooms ...
Gardening expert Karen Gimson has shared her top tip for keeping slugs away from your plants and flowers - and you probably ...