• 人工智能容易出现“幻觉”,或编造它认为是真实存在的甚至看起来合理或可信的信息。然而,当人们批评人工智能出现“幻觉”的可能性时,科学家们却在为这种副作用欢呼。他们表示,这让科学家们更有可能有新的发明和发现。
Ring in the New Year with an extraordinary celebration at Bellagio Hotel Shanghai on the North Bund, featuring two acclaimed ...
Multinational corporations have vowed to deepen cooperation with their Chinese partners and seize the huge opportunities presented by China's sharpened focus on bolstering technological innovation and ...
【新智元导读】 由谷歌前CEO斯密特家族出资的慈善基金「Schmidt Sciences」近日公布了2024年度AI2050人选,25名人选将共享1200万美元,用于AI的跨学科研究。继 李飞飞 ...