Assisted by AI technology, Shanghai United Media Group is developing a global broadcast platform to quickly produce video and ...
by Wu Yangyu Xiaomi is constructing a GPU cluster comprising 10,000 GPUs, underscoring its significant investment in artificial intelligence (AI) big models. The company’s big model team, established ...
12月6日,一场聚焦文旅产业创新发展的盛会——2024腾冲科学家论坛文化和旅游创新发展论坛在云南腾冲盛大启幕。这场由云南省文化和旅游厅、中国旅游研究院、保山市人民政府共同主办的论坛,汇聚了来自全国各地的文旅专家学者、行业精英及媒体代表,共200余人齐 ...
* The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) stands as one of China's most open and economically dynamic areas, and ...
人工智能作为一种能将人类从重复性工作中解放出来、优化决策流程等的新兴工具,已日益成为军事领域不可或缺的一部分,其对于重塑战争形态、提升作战效能具有深远的影响。俄罗斯一直以来非常重视人工智能技术的发展及其在军事领域的应用,尤其是俄乌冲突以来,部分军用人 ...
图源:Pixabay具身智能是一种将人工智能深度融入物理实体(如机器人)中的颠覆性技术,使它们能够自主感知、学习并与环境进行动态互动。与以往为特定功能设计的传统机器人技术不同,具身智能赋予了机器人更广泛的任务执行能力。这种多功能性使具身智能机器人能够 ...
前谷歌(Google)首席执行官埃里克·施密特警告称,AI系统可能需要有一个紧急关机装置,以免它们变得过于强大。施密特认为,随着AI系统的自动化程度越来越高,它们可能给人类带来全新的、更严重的威胁。 施密特周日在接受ABC ...
扫码咨询2024年新航道寒假班December 23, 2024雅思作文真题直击  |  | ...
Multinational corporations have vowed to deepen cooperation with their Chinese partners and seize the huge opportunities presented by China's sharpened focus on bolstering technological innovation and ...
Both China and the United States have achieved remarkable accomplishments in the field of science and technology innovation, ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
本地上市科技公司Agmo的首席执行员兼创办人,国家数码经济和工业革命4.0的委员会成员,也是一些新创科技公司的顾问和大学的工业咨询顾问团成员。国家人工智能办公室 (NAIO) ...