普葆定义的 “女性菌”,是以取自健康人体的菌株来源为基础,打造出一套集精准修复阴道微生态、缓解女性私密困扰,且经过层层临床验证的益生菌组合体系,为女性私密健康提供一种全新的、专业的、科学的守护模式。
普葆女性菌含有经过科学验证的 ASTARTE™与 LA - 5™菌株,这些普葆女性菌使用菌株已获得 44 个国家的专利背书及多项研究证实,普葆女性菌能有效 ...
At the dawn of the Imperium, the Imperial Palace was almost overthrown, by the Emperor's own discarded servants.
Rachel Astarte, LMFT, founder and director of Rachel Astarte Holistic Psychotherapy, says, “As a society, we're paying more attention to creating environments that foster better mental health.