Abstract: Atmospheric haze degrades remote sensing images by obscuring critical details, diminishing data interpretation accuracy. This paper presents CLEAR-Net: Cascaded Local and External Attention ...
Throughout its long history, Earth has warmed and cooled time and again. Climate has changed when the planet received more or less sunlight due to subtle shifts in its orbit, as the atmosphere or ...
It added that slight dust haze is anticipated over the northern and the North-Central region throughout the forecast period on Thursday. According to NiMet, a hazy atmosphere with patches of ...
Both of her Tom Waits covers are breathy, emotive performances which bring out the current of emotion that surges through both songs and create an evocative, atmospheric haze that the words can float ...
or haze in the data sheet. In particular, make a note of pollution that could be entering your region from somewhere else. Satellite images are helpful in seeing long-range transport of pollutants ...
Fast Forward is a playful electronic song that builds kaleidoscopic walls around you with each tinkering of its modular synth. You’re propelled into a kind of atmospheric haze until you’re swept away ...